Barfield White Climber
A found rose, disease free here in Central Florida . Branches nicely in a self supporting fashion. Blooming in clusters. Generally prickle free. Bright shiny leaves.
Class | Climber |
Color | White |
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Devoniensis, Cl
An unknown variety discovered in 1858 this plant varies greatly in color depending upon the climate, going anywhere from a yellow, a pink blend or a magnolia white. We show just 2 photos to show a portion of the color range.
Class | Climbing Tea
Color | White Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
E. Veyrat Hermanos
E. Veyrat Hermanos was bred in France in 1895 and possess a sweet fragrance on blooms varying from carmine pink to an apricot yellow.
Class | Tea, Climbing
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Florence Bowers' Pink Tea
A found rose from the site of a historic stage stop. This is a vigorous climbing tea rose.
Class | Found Tea |
Color | Deep pink
Rebloom | Flushes throughout the season
Zone | 6b
Fragrance | light |
(Out of Stock)
Discovered by Robert Fortune U.K. 1850 .This rose is also used as root stock for grafted roses Zone 7-11. Thornless.(or almost) OGR
Class | Hybrid Banksia, Species Cross |
| White Blend |
Rebloom | Once, Spring
Zone | 7-11 |
| Strong, Sweet
(Out of Stock)
Hawaii Volcanoes
"Hawaii Volcanoes" was found in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park by Dr. Malcolm Manners. It blooms in clumps of about 5 flowers, blooming best with some chill. We grow it as a climber and it is easy to train. Opening pink and fading to a light pink.
Class | Hybrid Multiflora
Color | Pink |
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Light |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Madame Ernest Calvat
From France, this 1888 rose has a strong fragrance with very large flowers. This plant should not be pruned. Can be trained as a pillar.
Class | Bourbon |
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 5b |
(Out of Stock)
Marie d'Orleans
An 1883 introduction from France, this rose opens with the petals flat, then rolls them into a quill shape. Displays subtle variegation within each petal.
Class | Tea |
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 7b |
(Out of Stock)
Old Blush, Climbing
A sport of Old Blush found about 1752. This variety does not bloom as frequently as Old Blush. mainly showing a Spring flush and repeating in the Fall. Color deepens with age.
Class | China, Climbing |
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Spring, Fall Repeat
Zone | 7a |
Fragrance | Medium |
(Out of Stock)
Paul Noel
Paul Noel France 1910, a glossy foliage climber, one of the Ann Belovich Collection roses.
Class | Hybrid Wichurana, Large Flowered Climber |
Color | Salmon-Pink, yellow shading
Rebloom | Occasional repeat
Zone | 6b through 9b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Peggy Martin
A found rose, this variety is a survivor of Hurricane Katrina. It has a major flush in the spring and a smaller secondary flush in the fall. A quick growing plant, easily trained. Our mother plants, which are 8 years old, now bloom in flushes throughout the year..
Class | Climber |
Color | Pink |
Rebloom | Spring and Fall
| 4b |
Fragrance | Light |
(Out of Stock)
William Lobb
Mauve blend Moss rose France 1855 Old fashion quartered bloom form, mossed buds
| Miniature |
Color | Mauve Blend
Rebloom | Spring |
| 4b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Zéphirine Drouhin
An 1868 French introduction, almost thornless with a strong damask scent. Can be used as a pillar, shrub or trained as a climber.
Class | Bourbon, Climbing
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
| 5b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)