"Barbara's Pasture Rose"
Found by Barbara Oliva near Cherokee, CA this plant produces large 5" flat blooms. It is a well rounded shrub that would fit well with many locations.
Class | Hybrid Perpetual
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Medium |
Zone | 6 |
(Out of Stock)
"Cato's Cluster"
This rose was found by Carl Cato. It is a semi double with a soft pink center. Bloom size averages 2-3".
Class | Noisette, Found
Color | White Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6 |
(Out of Stock)
"Laujuzan Tea"
A found rose by John Hook of La Roseraie du Désert this variety was from Laujuzan, France.
Class | Tea |
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
| 6b |
Fragrance | Medium |
(Out of Stock)
Alice Hamilton
This China rose from 1904 was bred by Albert Nabonnand in France. It has a glossy dark green foliage to act as a back drop to the crimson blooms. The prolific blooming will be greatly appreciated by any gardener.
(Out of Stock)
Alister Stella Gray
Allister Stella Gray is a wonderful Noisette from 1894. With her light yellow highlights she then ages to cream. She can be used as a shrub or allowed to exhibit her full height potential as a climber. This growth habit makes her versatile for many locations.
Light Yellow
(Out of Stock)
Anna de Deisbach
From 1858 this is a plant that blooms with flowers frequently exceeding 3". The bloom is dark pink and lightens as it ages, being very full.
Class | Hybrid Perpetual |
Color | Dark Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6 |
(Out of Stock)
Anna Olivier
A French introduction in 1872. This tea rose varies greatly in color with the time of year and corresponding temperatures, varying from orange to apricot and cream shades.
Class | Tea |
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Medium |
(Out of Stock)
Archduke Charles
Bearing a mild fruity scent the large blooms come out as a pink in cooler weather. The blush color seen as they fade is accompanied by an almost cherry colored edge. This makes a fine shrub rose.
Class | China |
Color | Red Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Light |
Zone | 7 |
2 in stock!
From 1929 Arrillaga has a strong fragrance from this large, full bloom of some 5 inches. It first opens with a very high center.
Class | Hybrid Perpetual
| | | |
Color | Pink Blend
| | | |
Rebloom | Spring, occasional repeat
| | | |
Fragrance | Strong | | | |
Zone | 6 | | | |
(Out of Stock)
Barfield White Climber
A found rose, disease free here in Central Florida . Branches nicely in a self supporting fashion. Blooming in clusters. Generally prickle free. Bright shiny leaves.
Class | Climber |
Color | White |
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Baronne Prevost
From 1841, with a strong damask fragrance one will truly appreciate the large flat blooms (5-6") on this variety. A favorite Hybrid perpetual of many, very hardy.
Class | Hybrid Perpetual
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Spring Scattered later bloom
Fragrance | Strong, Damask
| 4 |
(Out of Stock)
Bassoues Tea
A found rose from France in 2008, by John Hook. The flowers have an interesting blending of color and form as they age.
Class | Tea |
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Medium |
(Out of Stock)
Beaute Inconstante
Bred in France in 1887 this is a vigorous tea. Blooms are in clusters on upright growth. The color varies showing oranges, yellows and various red shades with the season and environment.
Class | Tea |
Color | Orange Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Bermuda Yellow Mutabilis
This is a sport of Mutabilis found in the Bermuda garden of, and by Ronica Watlington. Buds predominately open yellow with some opening pink.
Class | China |
Color | Yellow Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 7b |
Fragrance | Light |
(Out of Stock)
Bermuda's Anna Olivier
A Bermuda Mystery Rose, this is a delightful tea rose. Blooming is very, very generous, a variety every rose lover will enjoy.
Class | Tea |
Color | Medium Yellow
Rebloom | Continuous |
Fragrance | Medium |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Bermuda's Kathleen
A found rose single petaled from Bermuda. This grows as a shrub and has a mild fragrance.
Class | Shrub |
Color | Medium Red
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Light |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Blush Noisette
From the US in 1814 this is a clove scented flower that blooms in clusters, very few thorns. The buds open a very soft pink fading to white.
Class | Noisette |
Color | White Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Bon Silene
From 1834 in France Bon Silene offers a pleasant fragrance emanating from ruffled deep pink petals on the large blooms.
Class | Tea |
Color | Dark Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Medium |
Zone | 5b |
(Out of Stock)
Brightside Cream
A Bermuda Rose with blooms some 3" in diameter, very reliable rebloom, the petals have a soft cream like appearance.
Class | Noisette |
Color | White |
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Introduced in the US at the end of the 1800's. Disease resistant with leathery foliage.
Class | Tea |
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Camelia Rose
From 1830 in France the blooms of this variety are strikingly beautiful with deeper pink veins running through each petal creating an attractive quality to be treasured.
Class | China/Noisette |
Color | Light Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Medium |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Carnation is a found Bermuda rose, named for the frilly edged petals.
Class | Hybrid China
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Light |
Zone | 7b |
(Out of Stock)
Catherine Mermet
This rose was bred in France and dates from 1869. Large blooms that are full with excellent fragrance.
Class | Tea |
Color | Light Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Cecile Brunner
Light Pink Polyantha bred in France before 1880. This rose is included in old world Hall of Fame.Thornless.
Class | Polyantha |
| Lt Pink
Rebloom | Continuous |
Zone | 5b-10b |
Fragrance | moderate,apple |
(Out of Stock)
Champneys' Pink Cluster
The first of the Noisette class of roses, this rose blooms in a light pink and fades to white, the blooms are in clusters. It can grow rather tall if allowed to.
Class | Noisette |
Color | Light Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Light |
1 in stock!
Clementina Carbonieri
An Italian rose introduced in 1913 the blooms very in color from pink to apricot with yellow shading depending upon the time of year.
Class | Tea |
Color | Yellow blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Comtesse du Cayla
Comtesse du Cayla is from France, being released in 1902. This is a very well liked rose known for its very rapid and generous rebloom.
Class | China |
Color | Orange Blend
Rebloom | flushes |
Fragrance | Medium |
| 7b |
(Out of Stock)
Cramoisi Superieur
Many bright red blooms with streaks of red will great you from this variety. It blooms frequently with a mild raspberry fragrance.
Class | China |
Color | Medium Red
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 7b |
Fragrance | Light |
(Out of Stock)
It is very easy to fall in love with the rich color of this rose. A sweet fragrance to be enjoyed on this plant, which may be grown as a shrub or pillar.
Class | Noisette |
Color | Apricot /Apricot Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
An 1838 introduction from the UK this tea will often show pink when the bud is opening. Depending on temperature it may show as white a light pink or even a light yellow in the open flower.
Class | Tea |
Color | White Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
| Strong |
(Out of Stock)