Bred USA 1893 Produces decorative Hips.
A winner of many awards with a strong pleasant fragrance and a deep red bloom this variety remains a favorite over half a century after its introduction.
Bred by Kordes, Germany 2000. Bushy compact Shrub.
From Italian breeder Michele Malandrone this 1958 introduction is known for a deep velvety look and intense fragrance.
Duke of Edinburgh is from the UK in 1868. Shade tolerant, large full blooms, moderate size plant.
Bred in 1831 and from France and named for the son of Empress Josephine, this rose is noted for its strong fragrance and moderate size.
Introduced in 1955, the depth of color will vary with the seasons.
Found rose given to Malcolm Manners by Mike.USA In or around 2002. Very deep red.
Winner of the AARS (All American Rose Selection) award in 1965, this rose is known for a strong fragrance and the depth of color.
A winner of the Gold Medal at the Japan Rose Concours in 1963 this rose with deep red velvety blooms has remained a favorite of rose growers.
Bred by Allen Whitcomb,USA 2014. Ruffled blooms. Disease resistant.
A 1957 introduction this variety offers large blooms and an upright climbing growth. The foliage is glossy and dark green. Fruity fragrance.
From the UK in 1933 the dark red blooms show streaks of white emanating from the center. Blooming in clusters. The flowers are very long lasting.
Skyrocket is a Kordes rose from 1934, some describe the flower as having a honey fragrance.
Souv du Docteur Jamain comes from France in 1865. It has velvety red petals with deep dark shading.
Bred by Benjamin Rating Williams USA before 2007.
Bred in America in 1951 this variety has very upright growth on multiple branches. Very generous in the number of blooms. At times appearing like a red ball.