Alicia is a 2000 introduction from the Florida breeder Diann Giles. It has bushy growth w/ solitary blooms. This rose was named for Alicia Whidden a trustee of the Heritage Rose Foundation and our friend. The cross is from Vera Dalton and Tiffany. Very upright growth.
Class | Hybrid Tea |
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Light |
Zone | 6b |
(Out of Stock)
Ball Gown
Bred by Meilland, France before 2022.Series Romantica™ Glossy Dark Green foliage This variety is grown in 2 quart pots for shipping.
Class | Hybrid Tea |
Color | Pink |
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b through 9b (default)
Fragrance | Moderate |
2 in stock!
Bred by Kordes 1999 Germany. Excellent. This variety is grown in 2 quart pots for shipping
Class | Hybrid Tea |
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 5b through 9b
Fragrance | Strong Citrus
9 in stock!
Blue Girl
Bred by Kordes 1954, Bushy, thornless (almost), Dark Green foliage.
Class | Hybrid Tea |
Color | Silvery lilac
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 7b |
Fragrance | Moderate, fruity
(Out of Stock)
Bride's Dream
From 1985, Bride's Dream produces large (5") exhibition blooms. Like all Hybrid teas, these are formed on solitary stems.
Class | Hybrid Tea |
Color | Light Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Light |
Zone | 6 |
(Out of Stock)
Cathedral Bells
Excellent rose, registration name DELamo Dark Green Leathery foliage.
Class | Hybrid Tea, Shrub
Color | Rose pink-lilac
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b through 9b
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Chrysler Imperial
A winner of many awards with a strong pleasant fragrance and a deep red bloom this variety remains a favorite over half a century after its introduction.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Deep Red
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
1 in stock!
Crimson Glory
Bred by Kordes, Germany before 1935.Bushy Leathery Foliage.Vigorous.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Crimson |
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 4b through 9b
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
From 2003 Dogwood produces large single petal blooms w/ the stamens high lighted against the white background. Awarded Silver Certificate, ARS Trial Grounds, 2007.
Class | Hybrid Tea |
Color | White |
Rebloom | Continuous |
Zone | 7b |
Fragrance | Light |
(Out of Stock)
Dolly Parton
Bred by J.F. Winche,l USA, 1984 Semi Glossy foliage.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Orange- Red
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b and warmer
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
From 1984 this rose is a 2006 World Federation of Rose Societies Hall of
Fame recipient. Know for large blooms.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Light Yellow
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 7b |
Fragrance | Light |
(Out of Stock)
Fragrant Cloud
Bred in Germany 1956 , Prolific bloomer, Glossy foliage.
Classl | Hybrid Tea |
Color | Orange-Red |
Rebloom | Flushes
Zone | 7b through1ob |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Frederic Mistral
A n introduction by Alain Meilland of France in 1994. Almost thornless. Strong sweet citrus fragrance. Good for cut flowers. Large blooms.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Light Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Gruss an Coburg
Bred in 1927, an abundant bloomer with an intense fruity fragrance.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Apricot Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 7b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Hot Cocoa™
Bred by Tom Carruth USA 2001.Heat and rain tolerant Ruffled bloom. This variety is grown in 2 quart containers for shipping.
Class | Floribunda, Hybrid Tea |
Color | Russet |
Rebloom | Flushes |
| 6b and warmer
Fragrance | Moderate, fruity
. .
List Price: $25.00
Our Price: $25.00
Sale Price: $15.00
Savings: $10.00
10 in stock!
Jadis is American bred and was released with the name Fragrant Memory. The foliage is large and dark green, hardy and vigorous bushy growth.
Class | Hybrid Tea |
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 6a |
(Out of Stock)
Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria
Of German breeding in 1891, large blooms of 100 petals with upright growth.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | White Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 7b |
Fragrance | Medium |
(Out of Stock)
Bred by Alexander Dickson UK 1898
Class | Hybrid Tea |
Color | Light Pink, white undertones |
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b through 9b
Fragrance | Moderate |
(Out of Stock)
Bred in the USA in 1943 by the Brownell family. Large bloom that can be used as cut flowers.
Class | Hybrid Tea |
Color | Yellow Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 5b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Lemon Spice
Bred in USA 1966. Leathery Foliage. Good Exhibition Rose
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Lt Yellow
Rebloom | Continuous |
Zone | 5b and warmer
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Louise Estes
Introduced in 1991 and a winner of an American Rose Center Trial Ground Silver Certificate that year this hybrid tea with a fruity fragrance has won many dozens of awards since.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Pink Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
Zone | 5B |
(Out of Stock)
Bred by W.A. Warriner, U.S. before 1972, Old Fashion Bloom Form.Huge Blooms esp in cold weather.
Class | Hybrid Tea
| Apricot Blend
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b through 9b
Fragrance | Mild fruity, licorice
(Out of Stock)
Bred by Meilland, France before 1997 Romantica series,Prolific blooms.Heat tolerant. This variety is grown in 2 quart containers for shipping.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Medium Yellow
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 7b and warmer |
Fragrance | Mild Lemon
8 in stock!
Mike Pursells Rose
Found rose given to Malcolm Manners by Mike.USA In or around 2002. Very deep red.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Deep Red
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong Damask
(Out of Stock)
Mister Lincoln
Winner of the AARS (All American Rose Selection) award in 1965, this rose is known for a strong fragrance and the depth of color.
Class | Hybrid Tea |
Color | Dark Red
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 7a |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Nancy Lee
Bred in England and a 1879 introduction, good depth of color and fragrance.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Deep Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 6b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
A winner of the Gold Medal at the Japan Rose Concours in 1963 this rose with deep red velvety blooms has remained a favorite of rose growers.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Deep Red
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 7b |
Fragrance | Strong |
(Out of Stock)
Bred by Francis Meliland, France 1935, Prune Lightly or not at all
Class | Hybrid Tea |
Color | Yellow Blend, Rose Pink Edges
Rebloom | Flushes |
Zone | 5b and warmer
Fragrance | Moderate |
(Out of Stock)
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth was introduced in the US in 1954. She is the winner of many awards, both here and abroad.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Medium Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Light |
Zone | 5b |
(Out of Stock)
Introduced in the U.S. in 1908 this rose has a strong damask scent. Upright in growth, the blooms are large.
Class | Hybrid Tea
Color | Light Pink
Rebloom | Flushes |
Fragrance | Strong |
| 6b |
(Out of Stock)